| 1. | On Friday, Howard tried to smooth over embarrassment caused by the remark.
| 2. | Afterward, they tried to smooth over their anxieties with some reassuring words.
| 3. | It often fell to Mamedov to smooth over the thorniest Russia-USA disputes.
| 4. | But there is no easy way to smooth over the current dispute.
| 5. | Since then, Washington and Beijing have worked to smooth over their differences.
| 6. | By his nature, Clinton tries to smooth over conflict, not provoke it.
| 7. | However, Paris and Washington are now working to smooth over frayed ties.
| 8. | Foster's intense belief in her work helps smooth over the dubious patches.
| 9. | Fulmer says, lifting his UT orange cap to smooth over his thinning hair.
| 10. | Four months ago, the Kazakhstan government managed to smooth over a similar incident.